How Our Approach Benefits Clients
Today, a country’s geographic border rarely limits the eager reach of business. Globalization is the present and the recognized future of international economic relations. Therefore, we are committed to an international approach when counseling our clients.
From filing and prosecution of international patent applications, technology transfers, licensing arrangements, trade secrets, unfair competition and inter partes matters such as nullity actions, oppositions, invalidations and cancellations, we believe it is of paramount importance to be aware of existing developments in technology and intellectual property law worldwide.
The PCT Process & International Rights
With our expertise in both Chapters I and II of the PCT process, clients secure the maximum benefits available to them under this treaty, including strategic planning for the maximization of international rights, while retaining the cost-saving features of the PCT practice. In addition, we possess extensive experience in filing patent applications in the European Patent Office, where a single application may cover nearly all industrialized European countries.
As the markets of the United States and abroad become more integrated, we are well-positioned to provide our clients with legal and technological advice that will be uniquely useful and globally profitable.
All practitioners participate within their respective areas of expertise.